CNC Programming software

The site is under construction. The software has been developed over the past twenty five years. Our aim is to make cnc manufacturing available to everyone, from hobbyists to jewellery makers. From cnc metal machinists to carpenters. If you have a cnc router in your shed at the bottom of your garden, we can certainly help you. Or, if you have a factory with cnc machines that need programming, we can also help you. You don't need to queue up to use the cad cam software at your place of work. You can write your programs at home or on the train en route to your factory.

We do the things that cad/cam can't do

Cad/Cam software is very expensive and is not always needed for your applications. Cad/Cam software is great if you have a five axis machine or you only have data in the form of models. But you don't have much control over the direction of the cutting toolpaths. You may have to set a lot of boundaries to get the software to cut only what you want it to cut.